QUESTION: What are some
common misunderstandings about the Christmas story, especially which make it
into Christmas carols? Did Mary ride on a donkey? Who were the three kings? Is “Xmas”
trying to X Jesus out of Christmas? What do angels look like? What about the
ANSWER: First of all,
I want to say that I love Christmas music, even songs with minor inaccuracies
(and songs agout Rudolph!). For instance, Hark the Herald Angels Sing is packed
with great Christian doctrine, even though it has one minor inaccuracy: angels
are never recorded in the Bible as singing!
"Angels singing":
nowhere in the Bible are angels recorded as singing. This does not mean that
they couldn't, but that they are never recorded as doing so. As for angels and
the Christmas story, they are recorded as "saying" in Luke 2:13, not
No donkey is mentioned in either of the detailed Nativity stories (Matthew and
Luke). This is tradition.
“We three kings from Orient are”: the
"magi" from Matthew 2:1 are not kings, nor sages, but probably those
trained in astrology to whom God, through His grace,
communicated. Further, the Bible records 3 types of gifts, but there is no
indication as to how many of them existed.
"The X in Xmas is designed to X Jesus out of Christmas." Actually the
X is the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of Christos (Greek for
Christ). Theologians have used the X (Chi) as an abbreviation for Christ for
hundreds of years, and it is intended to give respect to Christ, not remove Him
from Christmas. Thus Xmas is NOT sacreligious.
"Angels have wings." Actually, angels are described as looking like
humans in the Bible, and are frequently mistaken for humans. Cherubs and
Seraphs have wings, but they are different heavenly "critters," and
not angels.
“There’s a star in the east on Christmas morn, rise up shepherds and follow”: (1)
The star in the east was located in the east."
The magi were in the east when they saw the "star," and they went
west to find it. From
William P. "Bill" Griffin, Ph.D.
P.S. I write a lot of
humorous and satirical songs, including many Christmas parodies. These can be
found at